
APA Hosts Ellie Pritts Multi City Seminar Tour – Check Her Out In Chicago


On Nov 27th APA Will Host Ellie Pritts Instagram Marketing For Photographers: A Crash Course

Quriosity’s own Ellie Pritts is on a seminar tour with APA National where she discusses the basics of a successful Instagram presence and how indispensable it is for branding oneself.

She will discuss:

• Why you should be on Instagram

• Branding yourself on Instagram

• Platform marketing strategies 

• Basics of copyrighted work on Instagram

Ellie is an internationally recognized photographer who is best known for prismatic landscapes and capturing the raw essence of her subject. She has worked with numerous brands like Vans and Pitchfork, and now resides in Los Angeles where she is working on the ‘Shot on iPhone’ campaign. See more of her work below!

The event will take place on November 27th at

Hokin Lecture Hall at Columbia College Art & Design Building

For tickets and more information click here!